Quiero liderar, no solo ejecutar. ¿Cómo elaborar un plan de crecimiento?
¿Cómo pasar del papel de especialista al de gerente? ¿Vale la pena hacerlo? ¿Qué habilidades son necesarias? ¿Qué sacrificios habrá que hacer?
Concentrarse en un objetivo es crucial, pero un enfoque rígido limita perspectivas. La obsesión con una meta puede generar procrastinación y ansiedad, llevando a vivir en "modo espera". Es vital perseguir objetivos sin perder de vista el presente, manteniendo una actitud abierta que enriquez.
El cambio de épocas requiere un cambio de mentalidad y nuevas habilidades. El progreso ya no permite permanecer en un solo rol o profesión durante toda la vida, y para lograr el éxito, debemos aprender a adaptarnos y aprender constantemente. Esta es la idea clave de nuestra conversación.
Decidí tomar en serio el desarrollo de mi carrera en el campo del análisis de datos, por lo que tuve que aplicar la metodología de aprendizaje para diseñar el programa y tener en cuenta algo llamado la curva de olvido.
¿Te consideras un experto sin rival en tu campo? ¿Son tus habilidades profesionales impecables y estás seguro de que esto garantiza tu éxito? ¿Y si te dijera que esto ya no es suficiente? Muchas 'estrellas de rock' talentosas están perdiendo sus carreras debido a un detalle pasado por alto...
El estoicismo nos enseña a mantener la calma y la claridad mental en cualquier circunstancia, a aceptar la vida tal como es y a esforzarnos por una mejora constante. Sigue siendo relevante incluso hoy en día, ayudando a las personas a hacer frente al estrés y la incertidumbre de la vida moderna.
02 Curso de Gestión de Hábitos. Antes de pasar al proceso de definir tus objetivos y formar hábitos para apoyarlos, quiero hablar sobre lo que realmente puede anular tus esfuerzos. Esto fue un gran obstáculo para mí en el pasado. Me refiero al perfeccionismo y al maximalismo.
Why is this post important? In the past, we valued hard skills. Then, everyone started talking about soft skills. Now, meta skills have become crucial. Although meta skills are similar to soft skills, they're much deeper and more fundamental.
01 Manage Habits Course. The ability to manage habits is a meta-skill. It's a primary skill that helps us form both "soft" and "hard" skills. This series of articles, presented as a mini-course, will teach you how to form habits to save energy, time, and achieve results easily and playfully.
I ended up with two thoughts in one article, a long beginning, and an unexpected ending. Read it all, I hope you like it. This is my story.
Blog on soft & meta skills for pros
In this personal story, I share my experience of working through a long-standing trauma inflicted by a toxic manager. I describe my struggle with depression and the therapeutic process that helped me begin to break free from the burden of the past, emphasizing the importance of seeking help.
If you are sometimes confused about why some negotiations go smoothly and successfully, while others turn into a series of misunderstandings and missed opportunities? The offer seems beneficial, and the interlocutor is friendly, but something goes wrong...
Sleep is when the body repairs and regulates itself, fixing daily wear. For better sleep, keep a consistent bedtime, sleep in a cool, dark room, and aim for 6, 7.5, or 9 hours. Deep and REM sleep phases are key for recovery, so establish evening rituals and avoid bright light before bed.
The Dunning-Kruger effect describes a psychological phenomenon in which people with low levels of knowledge in a particular area tend to overestimate their abilities, while experts, on the contrary, may doubt their level of knowledge.
A way to make complex decisions, especially for those with ADHD, burnout, or in crisis.
If you are at fault, take responsibility and apologize. Your relationships will improve and your respect will increase.
Today we will talk about how to think when you don't know what to do
The fear of making a mistake holds us back. It prevents us from taking on a challenging project at work that could advance our career and make us better professionals. It stops us from starting to work for ourselves or launching our own business. It prevents us from starting the
Escribí sobre diferentes enfoques para elegir el trabajo de tu vida. Te sugiero que compares diferentes opciones y luego las combines en el concepto japonés de "IKIGAI". Este concepto significa un sentido del propósito propio en la vida, que he aplicado en la práctica dos veces: una hace
In this article, I talk to you about self-development and its importance in our daily lives. I have reviewed common problems that we may encounter on the path to self-development and tried to explain how our brain works within this process. I also want to share with you some tips
Before, I always found myself in the same situation: I would postpone boring tasks for later. For example, when I was already living alone in my apartment, my mother would ask me to move my indoor plants so they wouldn't die. And I would promise to do it
Hello, dear ones! Today I want to propose a simple idea that, despite requiring some effort, will bring disproportionately large results. All that is required of you is to be open to new things and adjust your thinking to flexibility. Let's give it a try! How do we